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Thank you to all who attended!
Reflections of
One Spectacular Night

SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2022
At The LBJ Presidential Library, Austin, Texas

Missed the event? Watch here:

 Mark L. Smith’s The Hope Suite, a series of 44 collages inspired by the theme of global unity, was projected on a 4-story wall inside the LBJ Presidential Library's Great Hall. The LBJ Library’s exhibitions were open late, and original music, by composer Dirje A. Childs, accompanied the projections. 

Mark Smith was inspired to create the 44 works of The Hope Suite in 2008, when the 44th U.S. presidential election revived his hope for our country. He soon broadened his theme beyond that of any particular presidency or any specific country. Art is a universal language that can build bridges between the diverse cultures of the world. Each original 24 x 18 in. work on paper consists of a background monoprint or a digital photoprint, overlaid with collage, calligraphy, and mixed media. In 2019, the entire suite became part of the permanent collection of the Obama Presidential Center Museum. Limited-edition prints of The Hope Suite were on display at the Neill-Cochran House Museum through December 22nd, 2022. 

(Photos courtesy of Jay Godwin)

©2023 by Mark L. Smith

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